Release your fear, guilt, and anxiety about money, power and being happy.
Learn to recognize your crippling behavior and the thoughts that create the blocks.
Find out what your life's purpose is, and how to live it, as well as your dreams.
Set goals you can reach right now, not 5 years from now.
Heal your past.
Create multiple sources of income within the next few months. We'll show you how with a step by step plan that recognizes your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. We'll avail you of information and resources you never
new existed.
You'll develop a support system and team that will unlock your imagination, skills, talents and abilities--and demand your personal excellence.
You'll start and run (or enhance) your own business, create your own universe, and be happy ruling it.
MoreJoy is a program of self-development and healing. Our objectives are to help you move from where you are, to where you want to be. We work with serious individuals and companies who really want to remove the obstacles in their path, add gain greater clarity of vision to their dreams, weed out the nonsense that causes them to repeat the past or sabotage themselves, and impement a surefire plan that will insure their personal and/or professional success.
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Low and/or NO cost businesses you can start immediately, and earn lots of money.
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daily online meditations and affirmations.
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Professional Coaching